The ultimate cure for the undisciplined learner: a system!




Polyglots are usually very good at learning languages by themselves, without teachers. This ability is often attributed to a special talent that they have, but Lýdia believes it comes down to a different quality – self-discipline. Learning a language from zero to a comfortable B2 level by yourself takes a lot of time and dedication and if you’re doing this by yourself, you need to be either extremely motivated to learn that language, or well-disciplined. That’s why most people find it so difficult and often give up after a few weeks or months. There is, however, quite a simple solution to this problem: learning systematically. If you create a plan in your learning, all you need to do is follow its simple steps, day by day, week by week, month by month. You don’t have to ask yourself “Do I feel like learning today?” over and over again. Lýdia trusts that anyone can turn into a successful autodidact (i.e. learn a language by themselves) if they find the right methods to learn and if they create a realistic plan. In her talk, she’ll give concrete examples of how such a plan may look, based on hundreds of examples of her students.

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