La comprensión lectora en la enseñanza del español LE/L2: de la teoría a la práctica








La comprensión lectora en la enseñanza del español LE/L2: de la teoría a la práctica presents state-of-the-art theory and teaching practices for integrating reading skills into the teaching of Spanish. The book bridges a conspicuous gap between research supporting reading as a key component of language acquisition and actual practice by discussing how to implement reading successfully in and out of the classroom.

Written entirely in Spanish, the book focuses on the needs of Spanish language learners with the goal of motivating students to read in the target language and work with diverse types of texts and genres.

Key features include:

  • Emphasis on the connections between theory and practice, with specific suggestions for successfully integrating reading into the language curriculum;
  • Practical guidance and questionnaires for instruction design and planning;
  • Ready-to-use activities and an answer key to help teachers implement this important skill in language teaching;
  • Pedagogical considerations to keep in mind for further guidance and reflection at the end of each chapter;
  • A wealth of links and digital resources for teaching and practicing reading and best practices in Spanish language teaching;
  • Bilingual glossary of key terms.

Capítulo preliminar

1. El proceso de lectura: fundamentos teóricos

2. La mecánica de la lectura. Características del lector eficaz

3. La lectura en L2. El poder de la lectura

4. Estrategias de lectura

5. El léxico y la comprensión lectora

6. Tipos de textos, modalidad de lectura y criterios para seleccionar textos

7. Material auténtico y pedagógico. Lecturas graduadas

8. Programa de lectura extensiva

9. Diseño de tareas y actividades. Cómo trabajar con un texto

10. La evaluación de la comprensión lectora

11. El fomento de la lectura. Componentes afectivos

12. Nuevos hábitos de lectura y nuevos retos. Lectura digital y recursos en internet

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