Bibliografía - profesores

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Language teaching is a highly emotional profession that can affect the teachers’ well-being and learners’ achievement. However, studies have yet to explore the potential of positive psychology interventions and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to promote the psycho-emotional aspects of second language (L2) teachers and learners. Further, studies regarding the effectiveness of AI in promoting the learners’ language skills could have been expansive. Responding to these gaps, researchers chose ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot capable of generating natural and coherent texts, as a potential tool to foster positive emotions and interactions between Iranian English language teachers (n = 12) and learners (n = 48) in the L2 writing context. We operationalized ChatGPT in a three-phased writing instruction protocol (CGWIP): (1) a planning phase, where teachers used ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas and generate outlines for each session; (2) an instruction phase, where teachers used ChatGPT to engage the learners in writing process, analyse and reflect on their drafts, and (3) an assessment phase, where teachers used ChatGPT to simulate IELTS writing exam and provided detailed and constructive feedback to the learners. We further tested the effectiveness of CGWIP on teachers’ self-efficacy and learners’ writing skills before and after a 10-week instruction program. The Independent Samples t-test results showed that CGWIP significantly enhanced teachers’ self-efficacy compared to the control group. Also, the results of One Way ANCOVA revealed that CGWIP significantly improved learners’ writing skills and that these effects persisted over time. The study implied that the protocol can nurture teachers’ efficiency by helping them in various aspects of L2 writing instruction, including brainstorming, revising, providing feedback, and assessment, which in turn, improves learners’ writing skills.

Tras años de desatención en la metodología y en las aulas, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la pronunciación están viviendo un retorno a las aulas acompañados de un creciente interés en la investigación (Gil Fernández 2007, 2012). En Australia, en comparación con otras lenguas —especialmente las asiáticas— de mayor tradición en la educación, el español no ha gozado de una gran presencia y tampoco ha recibido la atención necesaria en la investigación pedagógica, incluidas las opiniones y necesidades de los docentes. En este artículo ofrecemos un estudio de las creencias y las actitudes de profesores australianos de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) en relación con la enseñanza de la pronunciación. Los datos proceden de profesores de varios niveles educativos y de diferentes estados o territorios australianos. En el estudio mostramos que a la comunidad docente no solamente le interesa la pronunciación, sino que también ha recibido algún tipo de formación. También establecemos una comparación con las conclusiones más relevantes a las que han llegado trabajos similares en otros países. Este tipo de estudio es esencial para poder dar a conocer la opinión entre los profesores de ELE en Australia (Pajares 1992; Borg 2003, 2006). De este modo, queremos contribuir a llenar un vacío existente en los estudios de ELE en esta parte del mundo.


After years of neglect both in theory and in classrooms, the teaching and learning of pronunciation is undergoing a classroom revival and increasing research interest (Gil Fernández 2007, 2012). In Australia, compared to the situation of other much more established school languages—especially Asian languages—Spanish has not enjoyed a big presence and has not figured equally as a language of pedagogical study. This shortage extends to the opinions and needs of the teachers. In this article we present a study of the beliefs and attitudes of teachers of Spanish in Australia with regards to teaching pronunciation. The data were obtained from teachers of different educational stages and working in several Australian states or territories. In this study we show that the surveyed teachers are interested in pronunciation and are well trained. We also carry out a comparison with the most relevant conclusions reached by similar studies undertaken in other countries. A study of this nature is crucial to uncover the opinions in this teaching community (Pajares 1992; Borg 2003, 2006). With this article we want to contribute to closing the current gap in the field of Spanish language teaching in this part of the world.

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El papel de los profesores de lenguas es clave en el proceso de inclusión social de migrantes y refugiados. Aunque el perfil del profesorado de español como lengua extranjera ha recibido atención en los últimos años (Muñoz-Basols et al., 2017), las investigaciones centradas en los docentes que ejercen en contextos de migración son todavía muy escasas. Conocer las motivaciones y los retos que experimentan estos profesores resulta esencial para comprender su realidad laboral. El presente estudio explora los factores que determinan la identidad profesional de 34 docentes de español en contextos de migración. Para ello, se realizó un cuestionario en línea con preguntas abiertas y se llevó a cabo un análisis temático a través de un proceso de codificación mixta (Gibbs, 2013). Los resultados muestran un perfil identitario fuertemente construido sobre la labor como mediador intercultural (Kramsch, 2014) y agente de transformación social (Crozet, 2016).

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El primer estudio europeo sobre competencias lingüísticas (European Survey on Language Competences) mostró cifras alarmantes sobre el bajo nivel de español LE/L2 de los alumnos suecos en contraste con su alto dominio del inglés. El proyecto de investigación TAL (Teaching, Assessment, Learning) (2015-2018) surgió para investigar estos resultados en el contexto de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas. El presente estudio muestra las experiencias y opiniones de los docentes de español LE/L2 desde la óptica de su perfil laboral y formativo en el contexto escolar sueco. 114 docentes de español LE/L2 participaron en la encuesta del proyecto. Los resultados constatan la escasez de profesionales cualificados y una actitud indiferente hacia el aprendizaje de la lengua, en comparación con el inglés, por parte de los estudiantes y de la sociedad circundante. Algunas de las necesidades identificadas para mejorar la situación laboral de los profesionales del español en Suecia son: reducir el número de estudiantes por clase, eliminar la precariedad laboral, junto con la situación de pluriempleo, y crear una oferta formativa específica sobre la enseñanza del español. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan con el estudio global sobre los profesionales del español de Muñoz-Basols, Rodríguez-Lifante y Cruz-Moya (Citation2017).


The first European Survey on Language Competences showed very low levels of proficiency in L2 Spanish among Swedish students in contrast to their high proficiency in English. The TAL (Teaching, Assessment, Learning) research project (2015-2018) emerged to investigate the reasons for this finding. This article studies the experiences and opinions of L2 Spanish teachers in Swedish schools from the perspective of their work and training. After surveying 114 Spanish language teachers, a shortage of qualified professionals was confirmed and we found an indifferent attitude towards language learning on the part of students and the surrounding society, compared to English. We also identified ways to improve the working conditions of Spanish language professionals in Sweden by reducing the number of students per class, eliminating job insecurity and the need to hold multiple jobs, and creating a specific training offer on the teaching of Spanish. The results are compared with those obtained globally on Spanish language professionals by Muñoz-Basols, Rodríguez-Lifante and Cruz-Moya (Citation2017).

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El presente estudio responde a la necesidad de obtener datos a escala global sobre los profesionales del español como lengua extranjera (ELE) o segunda (EL2), ante la escasez de información de carácter empírico sobre la profesión. Para ello, se dan a conocer las respuestas de 1675 informantes de 84 países obtenidas mediante un cuestionario en línea estructurado en tres bloques temáticos: a) perfil laboral y docente, b) perfil formativo, y c) perfil investigador. A partir del análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de las respuestas, ofrecemos perspectivas actuales sobre los profesionales del español en el mundo y sobre los diversos ámbitos en los que se desenvuelven. El cotejo de los resultados permite dilucidar algunos de los retos y desafíos inmediatos a los que se enfrentan los profesionales del idioma. El estudio concluye con unas líneas de actuación concretas para cada perfil analizado. Esta es la primera investigación empírica que ofrece datos sobre la profesión desde tres puntos de vista distintos pero complementarios.


This study fills the gap in the availability of empirical data on L2 Spanish language professionals around the world. We surveyed 1,675 individuals from 84 countries through an online questionnaire divided into three thematic sections: a) professional profile, b) educational profile, and c) research profile. The analysis of this unique set of quantitative and qualitative data enables us to offer current and novel perspectives on L2 Spanish language professionals worldwide and on the different environments in which they work, as well as to analyse the main challenges and opportunities that L2 Spanish language professionals face. Based on these data, the study concludes with concrete recommended lines of action for each of the three areas. This is the first empirical study to offer data on the profession from three different, but complementary, angles.

This study focuses on understanding language teachers’ lived experiences of their stressors and positive uplifts from a holistic perspective covering their professional lives in school, their personal lives beyond, and the connection between the two. The aim was to explore the nature of teachers’ experiences of stress and how they spilled over from work into home domains. We also were keen to understand the dynamics of their experiences of stress and how their perception of daily stressors was related to their overall sense of wellbeing as well as their life and chronic stressors. The data were collected via a specially created app, which collected survey data and experience sampling method (ESM) data from language teachers across the globe. Teachers’ wellbeing was investigated using the PERMA Profiler (Butler & Kern, 2016), their personality using Goldberg’s (1992) Big Five measurement tool, and a questionnaire on chronic stressors and stressful life events. From a larger sample (n = 47), a set of 6 case studies of teachers who scored highly for wellbeing and those who scored low on wellbeing was examined to explore in depth and across time, the relationships between overall wellbeing, chronic stressors and stressful life events, the experience of daily stressors, and perceptions of health. The findings point to the complexity of the relationships between stress, wellbeing, and health as well as the dynamism of stress and the relationships between stress experienced in the workplace and at home. The study has important implications for research in this area and reveals the merits of working with this innovative data collection tool.
