Instructor of Spanish 9 Mo
Tipo de centro:
Fecha límite:
Tipo de contrato:
Condiciones económicas
Salary commensurate with experience.
The Department of English, Philosophy, and World Languages at Arkansas State University seeks to hire a full-time instructor of Spanish to begin in Fall 2025. Teaching assignments will typically include courses in the basic language program (Elementary I through Intermediate II) with occasional upper-level courses depending on departmental needs and the candidate’s qualifications and area of expertise. Candidates with experience teaching Spanish for the Professions and Translation and Interpretation are especially encouraged to apply.
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Teaching load is 5 courses per semester.
- Other duties include attendance at occasional departmental meetings and events and supporting the department’s efforts in program building.
We are seeking a dynamic, qualified colleague with the ability to engage students from diverse backgrounds in the study of Spanish. We are especially interested in applicants from groups traditionally underrepresented in academia.
Minimum Qualifications:
- An earned Master’s degree (in Spanish or other field of study) with at least 18 hours of graduate study in Spanish.
- College-level teaching experience with awareness of current pedagogical methods.
- Demonstrated commitment to teaching Spanish to a diverse student population, including first-generation college students from rural backgrounds.
Cómo solicitar
Qualified candidates should submit electronically:
• Letter of application (through online portal)
• Curriculum vitae (through online portal)
• If requested, candidates should arrange to have 3 confidential letters of reference emailed to an address to be provided.