Full Professor of Romance Linguistics: Hispanic Studies
Tipo de centro:
Fecha límite:
Tipo de contrato:
Condiciones económicas
We offer:
- a dynamic research environment
- a wide range of research and teaching support services
- attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
- an attractive salary according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (§98 UG, level A1, to be negotiated individually) and an organisational retirement plan
- a “start-up package”, in particular for the initiation of research projects
- comprehensive relocation support
La Universidad de Viena convoca una plaza de Lingüística Hispánica para el Instituto de Romanística. El ámbito de la plaza es amplio: se esperan conocimientos en lingüística descriptiva, variacional y diacrónica. Sería deseable que el candidato pudiera ofrecer también docencia en el ámbito de otra lengua romance, además del español.
Applicants should have an outstanding research and teaching profile in the field of Hispanic linguistics. They should have a proven track record in the fundamental linguistic fields of grammar, variational linguistics and language change. It would be desirable for them to be able to teach in another Romance language.
Your academic profile:
- Doctoral degree/PhD
- Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputation
- Proven leadership qualities
- Gender and diversity competence
- Experience in designing and managing large research projects
- Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level
- Willingness to take on organisational and administrative responsibilities within the Faculty and/or the University
The University of Vienna expects the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor’s programmes and for participation in university committees.
Cómo solicitar
Please submit a single PDF file (LastName_FirstName.pdf) containing the following information in English via e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Müller (dekanat.philkult@univie.ac.at):
1. Letter of motivation
2. Academic curriculum vitae
- education and training
- positions held to date
- relevant parental, family or other care times
- awards and honors
- commissions of trust
- previous and current cooperation partners
- list of most important acquired third-party funding as principal investigator, and, if applicable, of inventions/patents
- list of most important scientific talks (max. 10)
- teaching and mentoring
- supervision experience (Master and PhD)
3. List of publications and a link to your ORCID record
4. Research statement
- most important research achievements (max. 2 pages) and planned future research activities (max. 4 pages)
- synopsis of five key publications with relevance to the position advertised
5. Teaching and supervision statement
- teaching and supervision concept, including a description of the previous and planned priorities in academic teaching and supervision (max. 2 pages)
Appendices to application document:
a. Five key publications as electronic full text version
b. Teaching evaluations (if available, compiled into a single PDF file)
c. Copies of certificates of academic degrees (mandatory, compiled into a single PDF file)