Bibliografía - revisión de estudios

This article presents a state-of-the-art discussion of second language (L2) Spanish corpus-based research on lexical competence. While L2 Spanish learner corpus research (LCR) is still in its infancy, we will review the major findings of relevant studies on the production of several lexical aspects: copula choice with ser/estar; overt/null pronoun distribution; collocations and lexico-syntactic verbal competence. Due to the highly contextualised nature of learner corpus data, many of these studies show that learners do not always behave differently from natives in terms of frequency of use, though they may differ in terms of discursive and pragmatic uses. The article ends with some theoretical and methodological caveats about L2 Spanish learner corpus research. An argument is made for the need to conduct L2 corpus-based research which (1) is theoretically motivated and explanatory (as opposed to descriptive and pedagogical), (2) uses fine-grained annotation (as opposed to coarse-grained, general tagsets), (3) exploits learner corpora that are properly designed and where learner variables are properly controlled for.


Este artículo presenta una revisión crítica de los estudios de corpus de español como segunda lengua (L2) sobre la competencia léxica. Si bien la investigación de la adquisición del español L2 basada en corpus está aún en su infancia, se revisarán los hallazgos principales de algunos estudios clave sobre el uso de verbos copulativos (ser/estar), la distribución de pronombres plenos y nulos, las colocaciones y otros aspectos léxicos. Dado que los datos de corpus proceden de discursos naturales, la mayoría de estos estudios demuestran que los aprendices se comportan de forma similar a los nativos con relación a la frecuencia de uso, aunque difieren con relación a los usos pragmáticos y discursivos. El artículo concluye con una discusión de las limitaciones teóricas y metodológicas de dichos estudios y con recomendaciones para que los futuros estudios de español L2 basados en corpus (1) estén teóricamente motivados y sean explicativos (en vez de descriptivos y pedagógicos), (2) usen sistemas de anotación más sofisticados (en vez de sistemas genéricos) y (3) exploten corpus de aprendices que estén bien diseñados y que controlen las variables del aprendiz.

The potential of model texts as a feedback instrument (MTFI) in second language (L2) writing has been explored for about two decades and continues to receive increasing interest from L2 scholars. However, to date, there is still an absence of a comprehensive review of studies in this particular area. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) procedure, this study aims to fill this gap by systematically reviewing 25 empirical studies on MTFI dating up to 1 April 2023, specifically focusing on three main aspects: study contexts, methodological characteristics, and primary areas of focus and key findings. The results revealed that existing MTFI studies (1) largely targeted low-intermediate English as a foreign language (EFL) learners at primary schools, (2) primarily adopted a quasi-experimental design involving a three-stage narrative writing task in a classroom-based setting, (3) predominantly focused on writing as a process, and (4) consistently reported MTFI’s potential for promoting L2 writing gains, especially in terms of lexical aspects. These results not only further our understanding about the effect of MTFI on different dimensions of task performance and L2 learning (i.e. L2 writing), but also provide some pedagogical implications for practices. Suggestions for addressing methodological issues in future studies are provided to advance this research domain.

En Calico Journal 41 - 2

This systematic review aims to explore social media integration in K–12 foreign language (FL) classrooms in the past decade and discusses the unique challenges of adopting social media in K–12 FL teaching. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and selection criteria, 12 studies between 2010 and 2019 were selected. Adopting a grounded analytical method, this review provides a synthesis of the affordances and challenges of social media integration in K–12 FL education. Based on the data analysis, an effective approach to integrating social media in K–12 FL education is proposed, to connect formal and informal learning environments. This review concludes with suggestions and directions for future research on the integration of social media in K–12 FL classrooms.

This article examines the relationships between second language acquisition (SLA), instructed second language acquisition (ISLA), and language teaching by examining them from the lens of the research on the acquisition and teaching of second language (L2) tense-aspect in the last 20 years (2000–2021). Review 1 examines 56 instructional effect studies on the acquisition of L2 tense-aspect, and Review 2 examines 38 pedagogical proposals for the teaching of L2 tense-aspect. The reviews investigate to what extent instructional effect studies and pedagogical proposals with tense-aspect as the target of investigation and instruction (a) provide a linguistic description of the instructional target, (b) engage with previous research, (c) implement results from previous research to design assessment or instruction, and (d) include elaborate descriptions of teaching interventions and teaching materials. The results show that there are clear attempts to establish connections between research and practice. However, neither instructional effect studies nor pedagogical proposals always engage with the SLA literature on the acquisition of tense-aspect; nor do they engage fully with language teaching.

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En la última década, las posibilidades que ofrecen hoy las TIC han aumentado drásticamente la exposición de los estudiantes a diversos textos digitales que utilizan o a los que están expuestos cuando adquieren una lengua extranjera. Los medios impresos se han visto complementados o incluso a veces sustituidos por los medios digitales en todos los niveles de la enseñanza, incluidos los planes de estudio de la enseñanza superior y universitaria. En los últimos tiempos se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones sobre el papel de los medios digitales en la adquisición de L2 y este artículo pretende resumir sistemáticamente los resultados de dichas investigaciones, centrándose específicamente en la comprensión lectora. Esta revisión sistemática sigue las directrices PRISMA (Page et al., 2021). Se han recopilado y analizado los estudios de 2010-2021 de Scopus y de Web of Science que tratan el tema. Sólo se han incluido en la búsqueda estudios experimentales en artículos de revistas de investigación revisados por pares. Aplicando este protocolo de revisión, se seleccionaron 15 trabajos para realizar una síntesis. Los resultados se clasificaron en: (a) efecto de los medios en la comprensión lectora, (b) implicaciones pedagógicas, (c) futuras direcciones de investigación. El estudio concluye con algunas discusiones e implicaciones para investigadores y profesionales desde dos perspectivas: la adquisición básica o fundamental de segundas lenguas (FSLA, en sus siglas en inglés) y la adquisición instruida de segundas lenguas (ISLA, en sus siglas inglés).


The current affordances of ICT have – in the past decade – dramatically increased the exposure of students to the number of various digital texts they use or are exposed to when acquiring an additional language. The print media has been supplemented or even sometimes substituted by the digital media at all levels of education, including higher education and university curricula. Various research has recently been conducted into the role of digital media in L2 acquisition and this paper attempts to systematically summarize the results of this research, with a specific focus on reading comprehension. This systematic review follows the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al., 2021). The 2010-2021 studies from Scopus and the Web of Science dealing with the topic have been collected and analysed. Only experimental studies in peer-reviewed research journal papers have been included in the search. By applying this protocol review, 15 papers were selected for a synthesis. The results were classified as: (a) effect of media on reading comprehension, (b) pedagogical implications, (c) future research directions. The study concludes with some discussion and implications for researchers and practitioners from two perspectives: basic or fundamental Second Language Acquisition (FSLA) and instructed Second Language acquisition (ISLA).
